Thank you for your interest in advertising with Your ad campaign will be displayed as a standard advertising banner (468px by 60px) at the top or a box (300px by 250px) just under the header of this website. To purchase advertisements send your graphics to along with the description of your website, products or services and contact information. Upon receipt of the proposed advertising campaign and review by the advertising department your business will be invoiced via email for the amount of requested (in thousands) page impressions; the campaign will be entered into our advertising rotation within 24 hours of payment unless otherwise noted in email, or at the request of the advertiser. Advertisements for time sensitive products or services such as album releases may be held at the advertisers request for a maximum duration of 90 days to allow for strategic advertising campaigns. Advertisers who choose to purchase page impressions quantities larger then 1,000,000 are requested to contact us for additional volume pricing. The advertiser may also submit multiple banners (maximum of 5) to divide your page impressions between them. For example you may choose to use two (2) separate images for a single ad campaign for your product or service. If you purchased 10,000 impressions then each image would receive 5,000 page impressions for the site unless otherwise requested. Payment is accepted by using all major credit cards through PayPal, alternatively a certified check may also be used. Please contact our advertising department for further details regarding invoices or any questions relating to the billing process. A sample banner advertisement (sample for size only) is displayed below. If you need a custom size or prefer a specific placement option please feel free to contact us for pricing and additional information. Advertising pricing for weekly, monthly and yearly rates (unlimited impressions during time span) are also available upon request.
Advertisements accepted for placement on must adhere to the following guidelines:
Advertisement images will not exceed 728px by 90px or 300px by 250px (width by height) unless otherwise agreed upon by the advertiser and Department of Advertising for (Please contact us for special promotions).
Advertisements will not be accepted for adult oriented products or services, pharmaceuticals or any web site conducting illegal activities.
Advertisements must avoid misleading claims and hyperbolic descriptions. The Publisher may, at his/her discretion, ask that all claims be proven to his/her satisfaction.
- does not publish advertorials. Advertising should in no way suggest that a product or service has the endorsement of or its employees and authors. Under no conditions will placement of advertising be contingent upon the publication of an article.
Advertisers are expected to guarantee their products and services.
All advertising orders must include the advertisers registered business name, mailing address and telephone number. All advertising must be prepaid by the advertising deadline.
Ads from network marketing or multi-level companies will be strictly scrutinized for credibility and legality. Business opportunity ads will only be accepted from companies that do not charge for information about the opportunity and that do not make unrealistic claims about the potential remuneration, selling not being necessary, or products “selling themselves”. We will not guarantee exclusivity. The advertiser’s website must provide sufficient detail about the product to be sold.
- Ads may be in static form (jpg) as well as animated (swf ,flv) or HTML SCRIPT. Please note some animated advertisements containing scripted code such as embedded flash objects may not allow or advertising system to track CPM. In many cases we are able to verify CPM, but some JAVA script based ads are not compatible with our tacking system.
- Currently there is no premium fee for our flash based advertisements.
The Publisher reserves the right to interpret these or any other guidelines which may be put in place from time to time, and to refuse any ad that is deemed not to follow them. For clarification or further information contact Stephen Rea, at 423-207-4790 or
sample top banner advertisement (728px x 90px)
sample box banner advertisement (300px by 250px)
728 x 90 Advertising Banner 1000 Impressions | $5.00 |
728 x 90 Advertising Banner 10000 Impressions (Save 10%) | $45.00 |
728 x 90 Advertising Banner 100000 Impressions (Save 15%) | $425.00 |
728 x 90 Advertising Banner Monthly (Unlimited Impressions) | $55.00 |
300 x 250 Advertising Banner 1000 Impressions | $7.00 |
300 x 250 Advertising Banner 10000 Impressions (Save 10%) | $63.00 |
300 x 250 Advertising Banner 100000 Impressions (Save 15%) | $595.00 |
300 x 250 Advertising Banner Monthly (Unlimited Impressions) | $75.00 |