Happy birthday to these seven people who bring country music to our world. We have posted a link to their official website (when one was available), and hopefully that will lead you to a Facebook page or Twitter where you can send a special birthday greeting of your own. If there was no website listed, we have sent you to a link where you could get a little information about the artist. Two of them are no longer with us, but as always, we wanted to remember them on their special day.
Here are your birthdays for the week beginning Sunday, May 27, 2018.
Don Williams
May 27, 1939-Sept. 8, 2017
Phil Vassar
May 28
Wynonna Judd
May 30
Casey James
May 31
Johnny Paycheck
May 31, 1938 – Feb. 19, 2003
Ronnie Dunn
June 1
Rob Lundquist
(Home Free)
June 2
Did we miss anyone? If you are aware of a country artist who is celebrating a birthday this week, and we didn’t get them on our list – please let us know. Send an e-mail, or hit us up on Twitter, so we can get them added to our birthday list. If you aren’t already following Country’s Chatter on Twitter, we would love to have you. You will find us @countryschatter.
https://www.countryschatter.com/2018/05/country-birthdays-for-the-week-of-sunday-may-27-through-saturday-june-2-2018/BirthdaysUncategorizedcasey james,Don Williams,Home Free,Johnny Paycheck,Phil Vassar,Rob Lundquist,Ronnie Dunn,Wynonna

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