REACTION FROM EDDIE MONTGOMERY OF MONTGOMERY GENTRY: “We just lost the greatest American hero I’ve ever known. He brought me and T-Roy to the game!!! I’m so proud that I got to call him a friend! My heart is truly broken. I’m so glad I got to talk to him last week. Rest easy, my brother.”
REACTION FROM COLT FORD: “I thought that 2020 could only get better and I was wrong. To hear that one of my heros has passed away, the great Charlie Daniels, has broken my heart. I can’t even put the words together. He was so special to the world not just as a musician, but as a man, a truly great human being.
Charlie has been so good to me over my career. I have been so lucky to share the stage with him many times. I can’t imagine this world without him. I have had many talks with him about music, about life, and about how to treat people. He stood up for this country, he stood up for what was right, he stood up for his faith. He did what he said — he was everything I want be and still want to be. I will never get over you not being here, Uncle Charlie. There has never been anyone like you. There will never be another. I love you, Charlie. Rest Easy. You are and will always be the BEST.” ReleaseCharlie Daniels,Colt Ford,Eddie Montgomery
Statements on the passing of Charlie Daniels
Country Music Hall of Famer Charlie Daniels Passes