Congratulations to Thomas and Lauren Rhett on the birth of their daughter, Ada James Akins. And,a huge thank you to Thomas for sharing the post below on Facebook!
Last night at 10:28 PM Ada James Akins was born and it was truly the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. I can’t believe that we have two daughters!! My wife Lauren labored almost 36 hoursShe is by far the strongest human being I have ever met and I have a new found respect for moms around the world. We are so excited that Willa Gray has a baby sister! Thank you Lord and everyone for the prayers
n addition to his website, visit Thomas’ Facebook page, and please remember to “Like” it while you are there. He has a number of other social media links listed on his website as well, so have a look at those. and, you can follow him on Twitter @ThomasRhett. If you aren’t already following Country’s Chatter on Twitter, we’d love to have you. You will find us @countryschatter. James Atkins,facebook,Lauren,Thomas Rhett,Twitter
Lindsey Ell skyrockets to top of iTunes chats with The Project
Country music birthdays for the week of Sunday, Aug. 13, through Saturday, Aug. 19, 2017