When we have a fair about to start, we do out best to keep up with the artists who are scheduled to appear. We just finished a very successful week with our Appalachian Fair, and next week, the Washington County Fair in Abingdon, Va., begins. We have a great lineup in Abingdon again this year (schedule here). That schedule includes Jo Dee Messina, who will take the main stage on Tuesday, Sept. 12.
We are all Jo Dee Messina fans, and have been for as long as we can remember. It was quite troubling to find a note from Team JDM to her fans on Jo Dee’s website earlier today. It was Jo Dee’s way of telling her fans that she has been diagnosed with cancer. The letter tells us that she will be at our fair (stating that she will continue touring through Oct. 7, 2017).
Here is the letter that appeared on her website.
A Personal Note From Team JDM To Fans
Over the years, Jo Dee has built a close relationship with her fans, so those of us at Team JDM wanted to be the first to let you know that she was recently diagnosed with cancer. It has been a trying summer, but her heart has been filled with gratitude for the many opportunities she has had to see God’s hand at work.
As many of you know, Jo Dee is a believer who feels blessed to be surrounded by the love of God — a love that has brought her the inner peace. On her lowest of low days, she has been able to see God’s hand at work and feel His love as she continues her walk. It is because of our Father’s love that she has been able to find the beauty in the days that could have brought her the most fear, gratitude in moments that most would call unfair, and companionship during times she might feel the loneliest.
We don’t know anything specific regarding the treatment plan at this point, but Jo Dee is working closely with a team to explore all options. She has taken the semester off from classes at The King’s University, and her last tour date for the year will be October 7 (all other 2017 dates are being postponed), as she will begin cancer treatment this Fall.
Jo Dee has been working with producer Seth Mosley, and in a recent writing session wrote the song “Here” with Seth and Mia Fieldes. Seth was deeply moved to see her faith following her diagnosis while the two worked in the studio together. “It was one of the most powerful moments I’ve had in my entire studio career,” Seth told Team JDM. “To see Jo Dee singing ‘there’s no pain, there’s no fear, here’ through the cancer and the chaos that she is walking through…God is going to use her and her story to intercept people in their pain and remind them that He is near.”
We will continue to keep fans updated on Jo Dee’s journey and appreciate the outpouring of love, prayers, and support she has already received.
I’m sure all of Jo Dee’s fans will want to keep up with the latest news about this amazing artist. You can do that by keeping an eye on her website, as well as her Facebook page. She has a number of other social media links on her website, too, so be sure to check those out as well. You can Follow Jo Dee on Twitter @jodeemessina. If you aren’t already following Country’s Chatter on Twitter, you can find us @countryschatter. We would love to have you.
https://www.countryschatter.com/2017/09/jo-dee-messina-announces-cancer-diagnosis-on-her-website/Concert InfoMiscellaneousNewsfacebook,JDM Team,jo dee messina,washington county fair
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