We’ve got 10 country entertainers with birthdays this week. We have posted a link to their official website (when one was available), and hopefully that will lead you to a Facebook page or Twitter where you can send a special birthday greeting of your own. If there was no website listed, we have sent you to a link where you could get a little information about the artist.
Here are your birthdays for the week beginning Sunday, Nov. 5, 2017.
Heather & Jennifer Kinley
(tTe Kinleys)
Nov. 5
Roy Rogers
Nov. 5, 1911-July 6, 1998
Stonewall Jackson
Nov. 6
Bonnie Raitt
Nov. 8
Bucky Covington
Nov. 8
Lauren Alaina
Nov. 8
Chris Cagle
Nov. 10
Donna Fargo
Nov. 10
Miranda Lambert
Nov. 10
Emily Brooke
Nov. 11
If you know of any country artists celebrating this week, that we may have missed, please send the information so we can get them on our list. Remember to visit their website to find out if they have a Facebook or Twitter page, so you can wish them a Happy Birthday there. If you aren’t already following Country’s Chatter on Twitter, we’d love to have you! You will find us @countryschatter.
https://www.countryschatter.com/2017/11/country-birthdays-for-the-week-of-sunday-nov-5-through-saturday-nov-11-2017/BirthdaysBonnie Raitt,Bucky Covington,Chris Cagle,Donna Fargo,Emily Brooke,Heather and Jennifer Kinley,Lauren Alaina,Miranda Lambert,Roy rogers,stonewall jackson,The Kinleys
Country birthdays for the week of Sunday, Nov. 12, through Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017
Country birthdays for the week of Sunday, Oct. 29, through Saturday, Nov. 4, 2017