Many of our readers may remember Chelsea Williams from her previous release, “Fool’s Gold.” Her new video “Dreamcatcher” is inspired by a major record deal gone sour.
“It was my first deal, and it felt like such a dream come true,” Williams said in an inverview with who premiered the video earlier this week in their Artist Discovery program. “I thought it was my big break, only to find out the label expected me to become someone completely different than who I really was. Writing it was a theraputic and cathartic experience in my life.”
Now signed with Blue Élan, Williams is able to thrive making music the way she wants to and has seen success with the release of her debut album Boomerang as well as embarking on her first national tour last year. “’Dreamcatcher’ is ultimately about hopes, dreams, disappointment, and redemption — emotions we’ve all experienced,” Williams states, “Striving to have that effect on other people, and make that connection, is part of the joy that I feel in making music.”
Keep up with all the news about Chelsea Williams by visiting her website and Facebook. Follow her on Twitter @chelseaw. If you aren’t already following Country’s Chatter on Twitter, we’d love to have you. You will find us @countryschatter. ArtistsNew ReleasesVideos"Dreamcatcher","Fools Gold",Artist Discovery Program,Blue Elan,Boomerang,Chelsea Williams,,facebook

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