Available Friday (Dec. 1, 2023) Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, YouTube and more!
Friday, Dec. 1 is the official release date for two new Christmas songs from JD Shelburne. One of the many things I love about what I do is that I get to listen to the new music first. You will hear them on Friday, and I really want to tell you, these are definitely worth waiting for. Without changing the lyrics or the melody, JD has turned something old into something new, without changing things about the songs we’ve loved for so long. Holidays are great, and I think JD has just made Christmas a little greater.
“Let it Snow!” is a song most of us have been listening to every year since we were very young. It was written in 1945 by Sam Cahn and Jule Styne. This one really isn’t just a Christmas song. It’s like a winter love song–Cold, snow, stay, fire, popcorn, cuddle. One of things that I really liked about JD’s rendition is the instrumental interlude between versus. And the backup vocals were perfect. Great harmonies, and not overpowering. You never lost JD in the song, yet the other vocals would have been missed if they weren’t there.
“Please Come Home For Christmas” has been one of my favorite songs for a very long time. This one was written by pianist Charles Brown with co-writer, Gene Redd. The song was originally released by Charles Brown the year it was written (1960). Since then, it has been recorded and released by a long list of artists, including The Eagles, Gary Allen, Lee Roy Parnell, Willie Nelson, Josh Gracin, Martina McBride, Kelly Clarkson and Bon Jovi.
I listened to Charles Brown’s original recording before I listened to JD’s. Then, I actually played them simultaneously. So well done, and so close to the original, it was like listening to a duet. The only thing I missed in JD’s rendition was the chimes. The original rang ‘bells’ just before the opening line “Bells will be ringing”… and, every now and then throughout the song, you heard the bells again.
We had an opportunity to talk to JD about his family, Christmas traditions, and these two Christmas songs. We asked him why he chose these two songs to release this season, “Ever since moving to Nashville back in 2008, Christmas songs have been on my list of things to record. I have spent my whole childhood developing a love for holiday music and once I found guitar in 2002 I knew what was soon on my horizon – a Christmas album. Those kinds of songs put me in the spirit in an instant. I love songs like that. I have already recorded many classic holiday songs through the years and I am just a few songs away from a full-length Christmas album. “Let it snow” and “Please Come Home For Christmas” have always been favorites and once I went into the studio to cut both songs, I knew I had the last two pieces of the puzzle”.
A lot of artists talk about growing up in a musical family. Did you have a musical family? “I didn’t really come from a musical family although my mom did sing to us in the car and in the church choir when we were kids. I remember those days so well. Every time around November, all our Christmas decor would come out and it would stay up until past the new year. That was normal in our household. Christmas time was a very special time for us as kids. We literally got everything we wanted, and my family all celebrated each and every year. Some of my best memories as a child are during the holidays. The magic of the holiday season that my parents bestowed in us made it even better. We loved every minute of it”, JD said.
What holiday traditions did you bring from your childhood into your adult life? Putting our Christmas tree up on Halloween Night! Usually it was November 1st, but my wife and I take down fall decor and put up Christmas decor on Halloween night. Yea, you can call us crazy! HAHA That was something we did growing up. I have made my wife the biggest Christmas fan!”
With so many shows each year, do you prefer any particular type of venue? “Throughout my career, I have performed over 3,000 shows. It’s been an incredible journey. I have worked so hard for this and my family and have hustled. That is key to success and I figured that out early on. Out of all the shows I have performed, I love going back home to perform for my hometown fans (Taylorsville, KY). Every couple of years, when we release an album, we travel back home to host a free concert for my hometown fans. We have had as many as 9,000 in attendance. Those memoires back home always flood back when I host those shows. Ain’t nothing like going home. Lots of special people along my journey usually attend those shows”.
Your fans gotten to meet Amy and Jax through your Facebook posts. Is there anything you would like to say about your family, that we may not know already? “They (my family) are my biggest supporters in case you couldn’t tell. Jax is 3 and is becoming the biggest bundle of joy. Just the other day he said, “Daddy, where is my wallet?” It made me smile, he is already carrying my old wallet and collecting money. Just like his daddy…working hard! HA!”.
The ‘Fan Club Christmas Tree’ you and your family decorate every Christmas is a wonderful tradition. We know you appreciate these items. For any fans who don’t know – what is the best mailing address for them to use if they want to send something to you and the family? “I love to receive fan ornaments for my tree! Please send! JD Shelburne Music PO BOX 1696 Mt Juliet, TN 37121”.
Is there any artist that you would like to collaborate with, or duet with – not just Christmas music, but any song? “I got to record with the Legendary Oak Ridge Boys this past year for my new album. It was a dream come true. It’s going to be hard to top that!”.
When we asked JD what song he had a favorite song to perform, he picked one from his current album, “Neon Hallelujah”. It’s unquestionably one of my favorites, too. “I love performing “Panama City Six Pack” Its on my new album. Something about the sound, melody and the attitude of that song when the band hits. I love it!
All artists starting out look for advice from other people in the business. We wondered what the best piece of advice JD ever received was, and he said, “Don’t wait on some to discover you and your talents, go out and out working everyone you know and shake as many hands as you can. Relationships drive success. Eventually the dots will connect if you hustle. I am living proof. Also, If it’s too good to be true, then it probably is!”
Your fans have watched Jax Dillon grow up right in front of our eyes. We all love that you are willing to share Amy Jo and Jax with us. We know Jax has a drum set – at three-years-old, is he showing any other signs of following in Dad’s footsteps? Jax seems to be very musical inclined. He remembers words so well so that has been fun. Every now and then momma has my album playing in the car and he will just start singing the chorus. It’s wild to see at 3! Hopefully sports are first with him. That is my first true love!”
To keep up with all the latest news from JD Shelburne, visit his website and Facebook. Other social media links: Instagram, YouTube, Spotify, X (Twitter), Apple Music, Amazon.
I’d like to finish this with a few on those ‘Fans might want to know” questions:
Favorite color? Kentucky Blue
Favorite food? Tacos
Favorite Book? Probably any Dr Suess Book for my son. I enjoy reading to him each night. Most recently, I read him the book “DaDa” by Jimmy Fallon. Maybe the simplest book I have ever read. HA! One word per page! I should have been an child author!
Favorite holiday movie? National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
Favorite movie of all time? Shawshank or American Pie
Favorite song by another artist? “I Hope You Dance”, LeAnn Womack
Favorite song you’ve done? “Amazing Grace” with The Oak Ridge Boys
Favorite place to vacation? The Beach!
Thank you, JD for taking the time to talk to us, and for two great Christmas songs to add to our holiday PlayLists! Since JD Since JD told us his recording of “Amazing Grace” with the Oak Ridge Boys was “a dream come true'”, we wanted to include that song for you here. From his NEON HALLELUJAH album, “Amazine Grade”.
https://www.countryschatter.com/2023/11/jd-shelburne-talks-about-let-it-snow-and-please-come-home-for-christmas-out-dec-1-2023/InterviewNew Releases"Let it Snow",JD Shelburne < "Please Come Hoome For Christmas",The Oak Ridge Boys

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