Nearly seven years ago, Country’s Chatter posted an article about James Meadows, a country singer from Abingdon, Va. That was the first of several articles over the years. But, it has been a while since we shared any James Meadows news, and it is definitely time for an update.
James may be a local talent, but we believed then (and still do) that he has the potential to become a world-famous country singer/songwriter. The article we posted back in December 2010 was titled “How about a little real country music from the boy next door, James Meadows”. If you missed that article, or would like to read it again, you can do so by clicking here. Sometimes it just takes the rest of the world a little longer to catch up …. Back in April 2010, we posted another article called “Always Country…William Michael Morgan”. That was long before the world knew who he was, and he has now had a No. 1 single (“I Met a Girl”), and a top selling country album, “Vinyl”. (If you’d like to read about what we thought of William Michael Morgan seven years ago, you can read that article by clicking here).
Today, we want to tell you about James’s new single. It is called “Carolina Moon.” I think “Carolina Moon” just might be the single that catches the attention of the world for James Meadows. While this song is as good as anything we are hearing on country radio today (and even better than a lot of what we are hearing), James has somehow managed to keep it country. The song has the perfect mix of ‘today’s country combined with real, classic country of yesteryear”.
That’s about as good as it can get. But, there’s more. He didn’t just throw a lot of lyrics in with his country music sound. He told us a story. And, isn’t that what country music is all about. Now, let’s look at this whole package. We have a good story, great melody, a singing guitar player with a smile that will brighten any room, and fantastic vocals, I am so anxious for all of you to hear this song. Just click here to listen to the “Carolina Moon” on YouTube.
Let me know what you think of the song, and please call your local radio station and request “Carolina Moon”. Reggie Neel, on-air personality at WXBQ FM 96.9 in Bristol, Va., told me yesterday that this has been his most requested song the past few days. It’s already a hit with us here at Country’s Chatter.
If James is new to you, I hope you will have a look at the video below. It is a nice sampling of some of his music, along with a cover of Randy Travis’ “Forever and Ever, Amen”. Whether it is up-tempo, mid-tempo, or a romantic ballad, James has it covered. Watch this video, and enjoy!
In addition to James’s website, visit his Facebook page (and please, remember to “Like” it while you are there). head over to ReverbNation and listen to some of his music! I love, “Somebody Up There Likes “Me,” “I Get To,” “They Walk on Your Heart” … Who am I kidding, I like them all. and, I think you will, too. You can follow him on Twitter @jmeadowscountry. If you aren’t already following Country’s Chatter on Twitter, we’d love to have you. You will find us @countryschatter. ArtistsNew ReleasesNewsabingdon va,Carolina Moon,facebook,james meadows,Reggie Neel,Twitter,WXBQ,youtube
Happy Birthday to our country artists celebrating from Sunday, Sept. 3 to Saturday, Sept. 9, 2017
Join Dolly Parton, Charlie Daniels, T.G. Sheppard, Ronnie McDowell, Justin Moore and many others for a ride In latest epsode of the Pickup"